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Palau de la República

Republicà Palau SHETZU Street, Taipei a Taiwan, el culte principal dels temples taoistes Liu Casa Chitose. Els edificis construïts el 1974, ara es troba a Taipei Shihlin Districte d'antiguitat temple. A més, el tipus de temple d'organització per a l'administrador del sistema, la data del festival és de març el tercer dia del calendari lunar.

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Categoria :[Taipei][ Taiwan]

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[Visitant (112.18.*.*)]Comentaris [Respondre ]Temps :2015-09-13
You might be right, though the lafelet implies it already exists.I haven't really thought this through, but why do they need to raise a huge amount of money? No one needs to make a profit, except possibly CORE who will be the registry company. What else does money need to be spent on maybe some advertising?Glad you like the new software, it is still a work in progress, so I will pass on your comments to the developers.
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